Channels:LI, LU, ST
Properties:Spicy, Bitter, Warm
Latin:Bulbus Allii
Tone Marks:xiè bái
Chinese Herb Actions
Unblocks the Yang Qi, Disperses Cold Phlegm Stagnation
For chest pain, angina, flank or upper back pain, dyspnea, cough, wheezing, and a stifling sensation in the chest due to obstructed Yang Qi with excess cold stagnated phlegm.
Directs the Qi Down, Eliminates Stagnation
Treats diarrhea and dysentery with tenesmus
Chinese Herb Contraindications & Cautions
Do not use in cases of Qi Deficiency
Caution in cases of Yin Deficiency or Febrile disease
Avoid in patients hypersensitive to onions and garlic
Chinese Herb Toxicity & Overdose
Irritation to the gastric mucosa is possible after long term use. Severe watery diarrhea is possible immediately following ingestion. Avoid if intolerant to garlic and onions.
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Chinese Herb Dosage
5-9 grams in decoction (Bensky)
5-10 grams in decoction (Chen)
This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas:
Gua Luo Xie Bai Bai Jiu Tang (Trichosanthes Fruit, Chinese Chive, and Wine Decoction)
Category: Formulas that Promote the Movement of Qi
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